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Celebrating 150 years educating Peaks Island Children

At Peaks Island School:

  • We build caring relationships with our students and community  to foster a culture of kindness toward each other, ourselves and the Peaks Island community.
  • We  provide opportunities for our students to practice compassion and reflection so they grow into responsible stewards and citizens  of the world.
  • We support  and encourage students to use their talents, skills and personal exploration to grow into life-long independent learners.

Our Vision: While keeping each student at the center of what we do, the Peaks Island school community  will honor diversity in culture, thinking, talents and beliefs as students learn together. We also will use our island’s environment to teach about stewardship and prepare our students for their future.


  • We believe all students are lifelong learners.
  • We believe that we can inspire all students to love and value learning.
  • We believe that Peaks Island School is a welcoming, nurturing and safe learning environment and that all our students deserve to feel safe.
  • We believe all staff are responsible for all students, and all students are responsible to all staff. 
  • We believe students should be empowered to lead their own learning and we are their partners.